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How to prepare cement mortar?

How to prepare cement mortar?

Mortar comes in the form of dough, which is used to connect building stones such as bricks and stones to each other in the construction of any building. The mortar is also used to plaster the walls and ceilings. If you are wondering how ready cement mortar will be prepared, let us respond immediately. Cement mortar is obtained as a result of mixing lime and sand with water. Mortar can also be done by mixing soil and straw with water in primitive constructions such as mud brick.

Plaster Mortar

It is known as mortar made of sand, gypsum and water.

Fire Mortar

It is used in all combustion cells such as furnace, boiler, oven. The normal mixture of this mortar comes from a 3-meter fire brick chorus and a 1-meter high alumina cement mortar.

Mud Mortar

Appropriate sludge and water are mixed with animal hair, straw and grass made from the mortar.

Cement Mortar

Cement is made with a mixture of sand and water. This mortar is safer than lime-cement mortar.

Expanding Mortar

Because of this feature which increases the volume after application, it is used to fill the gaps completely.

Glycerine Mortar

It is made of gypsum, cement and glycerin. - Mixed mortar is the mortar where both the lime and the cement are found. - Lime mortar, usually used to combine bricks. Slaked lime is made with a mixture of sand and water.

Hybrid Mortar

It is made by adding lime and cement in equal volumes into sand.

Mosaic Mortar

It is a mixture of natural stone dust, cement and water at appropriate proportions.

Reinforced Mortar

Lime and cement mortar: 225 kilograms of cement in 1 cubic meter, 0,170 cubic meters of slaked lime.

Extended Mortar

In order to prolong the solidification period, a small amount of lime is added to the cement mortar.

Tras-Lime Mortar

It is a mortar made by mixing slaked lime and sand. It is hardly used today due to the fact that it hardens very slowly.